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On the Cheap: New Zealand - Day Trip to the Tongariro Crossing

On the Cheap: New Zealand - Day Trip to the Tongariro Crossing

Time from Auckland CBD: 4 hours non stop

Cost: Free

The Tongariro Crossing is the best day walk in New Zealand, and you will see a large variety of scenery. Keep in mind, this is alpine country, and the weather is very unpredictable. Some days you can get sunburnt, and will only need a t shirt and shorts, other days you will need to be wearing three thermal layers and a jacket. Make sure you check the weather before you go so that you are well prepared.

Length of track: 19.4km

Time to walk: 5 - 8 hours

Track conditions: Alpine

What to take:

  • At least 3L water

  • Plently of food

  • Strong shoes

  • First aid kit

  • Gloves

  • Sun hat

  • Warm hat

  • Water and wind proof jacket and over trousers

  • Three warm top layers (no cotton)

  • Two water bottom layers (no cotton)

How to get there:

Start of the track: Mangatepopo Road

End of the track: Ketetahi Road

There are a few transportation options -

1) Take two cars and leave one at either end of the track

2) Book a shuttle to get between the end the track and the car park at the start of the track

3) Hitch hike back to your car. This is a well walked track, so it should be easy enough to make a friend on the way and get a ride back to your car

Side tracks:

Mt Ngauruhoe

Height: 2287m

Time: 3 hours return

There is no marked track up Mt Ngauruhoe, and it is scree rock up the entire way. I would highly recommend that you wear gloves and long socks for climb to avoid cutting up your hands, and getting rocks in your shoes!

Mt Ngauruhoe

Mt Ngauruhoe

Mt Tongariro

Height: 1967m

Time: 1 hour return

This is an obvious track to the summit of the Mt Tongariro, and a nice place to have lunch if it is not too windy.


Central Crater

On the way home:

Bulli Point Cliff Jump

As you come out of Moutere Bay, stop on the sharp corner and park up. Find your way to Bulli point and jump!

Bulli Point Cliff Jump

Bulli Point Cliff Jump

Enjoy :)

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